Saturday, November 24, 2007

Never Going Back to My Old School

There's this great interview footage of Janis Joplin. She's dressed in her full regalia-- feathers, beads, bourbon. Anyway, the interviewer says, "well did you attend your senior prom?" Janis responds in the negative, and when pressed, offers up this explaination, "Well, I guess they just didn't like me very much."

Well, I went to my prom. Both of them. But get this:

I didn't get invited to my high school reunion.

How crazy is that? Okay, I've barely been in touch with any one since graduation. Still, my parents have been at the same address since 1979. It was pretty funny when I walked into a family friend yesterday and she said, "So are you going to the reunion?" Uh....

In all honesty, I can't say I'm broken hearted over this. I really think it's funny.

Who doesn't get invited to their own reunion?

I guess they just didn't like me very much.


ED: Turns out an invitation arrived and my mother threw it away. I have no idea why...

1 comment:

Donna Boucher said...

I really wish you would email me and say...
Donna, I'm blogging this week....
Cause I love when you blog.
I think you are a wonderful writer and you are so funny :o)

Next time you take a break and then return for a mass blogging session...let your loyal and blog sistah know :o)