Thursday, November 12, 2009

We have a pretty even distribution of labor in my household.

From each according to her ability, to each according to her need. Or something like that. Except without the bad Soviet hair cuts and drab clothing.

This works well and keeps things moving swiftly along. We each have our own duties and roles suited to our own strengths and weaknesses.

I, for instance, am in charge of removing all manner of insects and creepy crawlies. Also, spraying Raid in the cracks and crevices of our abode.

My roomates, on the other hand, are in charge of dealing with any and all snakes that may enter the apartment (yes, I know I live in New York City but snakes are scary) and any and all ghosts.

I'm not kidding.

Things that go bump in the night? When my over active imagination takes charge and I'm 100% certain that there is a serial killer hiding in our bathtub hidden by the shower curtain? All them.
They also understand my fear of showering when I'm home alone and are perfectly willing to scream, "I'm home! And I'm not going to go all Norman Bates on you!" as they walk in the door.

It's a good thing.

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