Monday, November 2, 2009

Of Mice and Men

File this under "best laid plans."
It was a winter's day in New York City.

A Tuesday I think. Perhaps a Wednesday. Mid-week. Grey. Wet. Rough day at the office. You get the idea.

Anyway, I decided it was a pizza kind of night. I went to Arturo's and picked up a large mushroom pie and a 6 pack of Heinekin. Figured I'd bring it home and surprise my roomates with dinner. Got home, opened a beer, put the oven on warm, took a slice for myself and put the rest of the pie in the oven (can you guess where this went sideways?).

Some 10-15 minutes later I smelled smoke. Went into the kitchen and saw flames jumping out the top of the oven. I managed to pull the flaming box out of the oven and got it in the sink. The flames set the paper towel roll and the dish drying rack as well as the wooden spoon on fire.

Fortunately I had a full brita filter of water and was able to put out the fire.
Unfortunately, I lost the pizza.
Fortunately, I still had 5 beers left.

And that, is the story of how I set my apartment on fire.

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